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Friars and Mayas

Multiples adventures

Dominicans and Franciscans in Maya land - XVIth century

A trip by Las Casas to Tabasco and Chiapas

Pedro de Barrientos in Chiapa de Corzo

Las Casas against the conquistadores

Fuensalida and Orbita, explorers

Grouping together the Indians

Numerous studies

An ethnologist friar, Diego de Landa

Learning the Maya languages

Two teachers, Juan de Herrera and Juan de Coronel

Two historian friars, Cogolludo and Remesal

A multitude of buildings

A Franciscan turned architect: Friar Juan de Mérida

The Valladolid convent in the Yucatán

The Izamal convent and its miracles

In the Yucatán, a church in every village

A Dominican nurse, Matías de Paz

A difficult task: evangelization

Peace-making in Verapaz

The creation of the monastery of San Cristóbal

The Dominican province of Saint-Vincent

An authoritarian evangelization

Franciscans and the Maya religion

The failure of the Franciscans in Sacalum, the Yucatán

Domingo de Vico, Dominican martyr

The end of the adventure

Return to the monasteries

Additional information

Las Casas and Indian freedom

The Historia Eclesiástica Indiana of Mendieta

The road of Dominican evangelization in Guatemala

The convent of Ticul, as seen by John Lloyd Stephens

The Franciscans in the Colca valley in Peru

The convent route of the Yucatán in the XVIth century

The dominican mission of Copanaguastla, Chiapas

Available upon request:

- general information upon Maya countries,

- numbered texts on the conquest and colonization of Maya countries

Address all correspondence to:









Friars and Mayas












An extraordinary adventure

narrated by the Friars








They built cities under the volcanoes




They explored the Chiapas, the Guatemala

and the Yucatán


They spoke all Maya lenguages




They fight against the Devil




They wrote numerous testimonies



Published, in the eighties of the former century, by Historia 16, series "Crónicas de América", then by Dastin



"Of the veracity of the first missionaries there can be no doubt. They were men of exemplary life, and much learning, selected from amongst many to promulgate the gospel in the New World. Some of them had been professors in the most celebrated universities of Europe; had obtained the first rank in their orders, and merited the favour and confidence of the emperor Charles V. Those honours which they resigned in Europe, and those which they never received in America, clearly demonstrated their disinterested zeal, their voluntary and rigid poverty, their continual treaty with the great Being of nature, their incredible fatigues in so many long and difficult journeys on foot, without provisions, in laborious service, and still more their excessive charity, mildness, and compassion, towards those afflicted nations, will make their memory ever venerated in that kingdom."


Francisco Javier Clavijero, Historia antigua de México, Libro X, 2. Población de Anáhuac. 1780





Franciscan friars in Yucatan, Monumento a la Patría, Merida, sculptor Rómulo Rozo, 1956



"Oh how greately are those Indians bound to prayse God, who being seruants of Satan, and lost Shéepe, yet it pleased the goodnesse of the Almighty to haue compassion of thē, who hath giuen them light to come out of darkenesse, and brought them to the knowledge of theyr cruell and abhominable life, and hath nowe giuen vnto them the holy Ghost in baptisme. [...]

The conuersion began with the Conquest, but wyth the diligence in prosecuting the warres, little good was done, vntyll the yeare 1524. and then the matter wente forwarde effectuallye, by reason that certayne learned menne wente thyther for the same purpose.


At the begynnyng it was a troublesome thyng to teach them, for wante of vnderstandyng the one of the other, wherefore they procured to teache the chyldren of Gentlemen whiche were most aptest, the Spanishe tong, and they likewise learned the Mexican spéeche, in the whiche language they dayly preached. It was at the firste a paynefull thing to make them leaue those Idols in whome they hadde euer beléeued, yea and the Diuell gaue them cruell warres in spirite, and manye times, in appearing in diuers formes vnto them, threatning, that if they dyd call vpon the name of Iesus Christ, it should not rayne, and that all their delight and pleasure shoulde be taken from them, prouoking them still to Rebellion against the Christians, but his wicked counsell woulde not preuayle."


(Francisco López de Gómara, The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne atchieued by the vvorthy Prince Hernando Cortes, marques of the Valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to reade, Translator: Thomas Nicholas, London, 1578)



Franciscan Friars praying in front of the chapel of Holy Cross, on the road Sitilpech-Izamal, 2023, October 19



In the chapter VIII of his poem Grandeza Mexicana (“Greatness of Mexico”), published in 1604, Bernardo de Balbuena recalls the major religious orders who preached Roman Catholicism to the indians: the Dominicans, Franciscans, Augustinians, and later the Jesuits.

Las varias Religiones (que al decoro
de su flor son olores soberanos
y pedrería a sus engastes de oro)

pobladas de gigantes más que humanos
en letras, santidad, ejemplo, vida,
dotrina, perfección, pechos cristianos.


De la española antorcha que, encendida,
alumbra el mundo y reformó la tierra
(también del tronco de Guzmán nacida),

el clarín santo, a cuyo son de guerra
tiembla el inferno, el suelo goza y mira
más luces que el otavo cielo encierra:

su templo, casa y su riqueza admira,
y el púlpito que dio a su regla el nombre
y, a soplos, letras y virtud inspira.

Y a la que de humildad puso renombre
el Serafín (en quien está el retrato
del ñudo celestial de Dios hecho hombre)

con los que de su misma regla y trato
siguen descalzos de virtud la senda
y al mundo dan de pie, ventero ingrato.


Del famoso Agustino la gran prenda,

en santidad y letras rico erario,
del libre mundo concertada rienda.


La Compañía y santo relicario
del nombre de Jesús, su gran concierto
de Profesos, Colegio y Seminario,

adonde al cielo vivo, al mundo muerto,
está el único fruto que pariste
(de tu sangre y virtud precioso injerto)








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